Whether you have been a member for some time, or are new to the group, if you enjoy the experience of group walking and feel you want to be more involved. Why not volunteer?

A selection of roles are shown below.

For example, some of our volunteers have just won a prize.

Our path clearance team participated in a National Ramblers path maintenance survey recently.
Last month as a thank you, a draw was held to pick which 30 teams would win a Cotswold Outdoor path maintenance pack. Each winner was sent a Vango rucksack with the Cotswold Outdoor and Ramblers logos, full of useful items including first aid kits, thermal blankets, waterproof ponchos, document holders, flasks and cups and even some Kendal mint cake.

Our path maintenance team sent in this lovely photo of a maintenance pack out in the wild in Leeds near Maidstone in April.
Well done to Roger for taking this picture and to Julie for becoming a national celebrity.

Roles you can volunteer for...


Path Clearance

If you like being outside and working as part of a team once a week, why not join the path clearing team to keep paths free of vegetation and open for all walkers to enjoy. To understand what it involves email pathclearance@maidstoneramblers.org.uk  for more information. In this role you would be part of the Maidstone path clearance team.



Footpath Observer

If you like walking locally, want to be outside more and want to support the effort to keep paths open. Why not become a footpath observer. Simply walk the paths of your allocated parish(s) once a year and report on any problems. To look for vacancies Volunteering with Kent Ramblers  In this role you would cover parishes in a Kent area team.



Walk Leader

If you have been joining our walks for a while and feel you could contribute to the walk programme yourself. Why not take the first step and see what leading involves. Support can be provided to acquire new skills like walk planning, navigation and first aid. Email walks@maidstoneramblers.org.uk for more information. In this role you would be part of the Maidstone walk leaders team.



Local Footpath Officer

 If you would like to understand the finer points of public rights of way, have some time on your hands, and feel you could volunteer to help maintain the path network. Why not consider being a Local Footpath Officer.

Volunteering with Kent Ramblers   In this role you would cover parishes in a Kent area team.

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