Ramblers’ members not only walk the footpaths but also seek to keep them in good order by being parish observers or clearing undergrowth. We also report damage or obstructions to Kent County Council, and at the Committee level liaise with KCC on planning applications, or issues, affecting public rights of way. So for anyone who wants to volunteer there are always opportunities to help.
Members are encouraged to help by volunteering for any or all of the following:-
a) Getting involved with the Footpath Clearance. We try to get out on Monday mornings Spring, Summer and Autumn. Interested? Please contact the clearance team
b) Reporting faults to KCC or the overgrown paths to our clearance group
c) Volunteering as Parish Footpath Observers (formerly known as Wardens) to check out the paths in a particular Parish once a year. We have several Parishes vacant.
To report a footpath problem such as an obstruction, broken gate or stile to KCC please go to their website. Guidance on how to report a problem can be found here. Photos of the problem can be uploaded to assist in a prompt resolution of the issue. In an emergency (something which can cause an injury or accident) call KCC on 03000 41 71 71 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm).
Alternatively please Email KCC.
To report an overgrown footpath to the clearance group please contact path clearance enquiries.
Anyone interested in being, or finding out more about the role of, a Parish Footpath observer should contact footpath enquiries. footpaths@maidstoneramblers.org.uk
These photos show the work of the Maidstone Ramblers Footpath Clearance Group - keeping our footpaths accessible for all who enjoy walking in the Kent countryside. To volunteer please contact footpath enquiries.
The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration number: 4458492. Registered Charity in England and Wales number: 1093577, registered charity for Scotland, number SC039799. Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.